Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas--Love, Paul
Have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful new year!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Lookin' like Christmas!
Thanksgiving was super nice. We had Paul's parents, my parents and Uncle Earl here and Zac was home for college. The food was delicious and the fellowship was sweet. Zac has matured so much since he left in August, thanks to our prayers and ROTC. It is a pleasure to have him home. The kids love playing board games with him and he seems to enjoy the "celebrity status".
On the adoption front, we have officially pulled out of Acres of Hope, have sent a letter asking for our amount of the adoption fund back and after the check comes back, we will officially decide our next move. I know what I desire, but Paul will be the one making the decision after much "watching and praying".
Hope you all are enjoying your families and friends during this Christmas season!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Another Quote!
I have read Oswald for years and don't remember this quote, but I'm sure there are many I miss! This so applies to my life right now. I definitely feel the refiner's fire, a laying down of my desires, maybe even a DEATH of a vision. The cool thing about a death is that new life can come with it. God will fulfill my desire to adopt in some way. The waiting on the Lord is hard but oh the fruits are sweet!
Have a blessed day and chew on the quote for a while!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Hope Deferred
Amen to that! My heart is sick. I feel numb, kind of pointless and seeking God for direction. I am having a hard time finding the joy of the Lord during this waiting time. I am hormonal, weepy and despondent. Paul and I are going back in time to see what God has directed us to. For the past 15 years we have trusted God to open and close my womb and trust Him for our family size. Where does adoption come into all that? Adoption is a choice we make to offer orphans a family and a way to expand our family size and to offer them a Christian upbringing. We all know the James 1:27: "to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." and to have the lonely brought up in families.
So please continue to pray for the Nelson Family as we are in the seeking and waiting mode once again.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
In September we found out about a sibling group that was brought into Acres and inquired about them. All through the month of September we were psyched! Wow, maybe these are the ones for our family. Well, then they were taken back to their village because the birth father accused the birth mother of selling the children and had her put in jail! So Acres staff, the Ministry of Health, the police all went to the bush with the children to prove that they weren't sold and to have the mom released from jail.
The birth father didn't want the children adopted, but did not want to take care of them, the birth mom couldn't take care of them. So the children stayed in the village and it would be a miracle if they were brought back!
So now you are up to snuff on our latest adventure in adoption. Acres is saying for us to received twin baby girls under age 2, the referral would take 1-6 months and another 6-12 months before they are home. That's a long time to wait and with the US Embassy policies changing, where Ms. Alma is only seeing one family per day (only on Tuesday and Thursdays), visas will slow down even more.
So we are asking for your prayers about our future. We want clear direction from the Lord, want to be in His will, His timing and His favor. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, etc.
My e-mail address is if you want to ask me any questions--I am an open book!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Hudson Taylor
"I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: First it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done."
Praise God! That really touched my heart! Adoption is truly a miracle working journey! First it appears impossible, then WAM! another hair pin curve and another and another (difficult) and then it is done: ie-God sends you the right children for your family.
Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength! Thank you Lord for keeping me strong and trying to keep my focus on You and not the children or the storm around us. Thank you for sustaining me and watching over our whole family (including those not yet seen!)
Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Great Quotes!
"He is no fool who give what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." I like our lives, eh? The lives of our children. Praise God they are eternal beings. I love all my kiddos and the ones to come and want each and everyone to impact this world for Christ and be World Changers!
Here's another one: "God always give His best to those who leave the choice with Him" God will give us just what we need according to His riches and glory. As we continue to wait on Him for the right children in our family, I have peace that He is in control and knows exactly what we need to give Him glory. Not an organization, any person, parents, etc.--only God gets the Glory!
Last one: "Wherever you are, be ALL there!" My life is not on hold while we wait for our referral. Of course, I pray continually and without ceasing for my bio children and those to come, but it cannot be come an IDOL in my life. God is jealous, so I want to always give circumstances in my life up to God. Put it on His altar and not put my UGLY claws back into my sacrifice of praise!
God please remind me to enjoy this moment of life and focus on You and not the storms/waves around us. In Your Holy Name. Thank you for your VICTORY!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Peace continued!
Hosanna, like the rest of the Nelsons belongs to our team. To get out the door, it takes a team effort! To help our Liberian children, it will take the Nelson team effort! Praise God!
Josiah, is reading ! Praise the Lord! I find if you can get the children to read, they are well on their way in all academic ways. He is a little warrior for Jesus and loves to pray.
Tali, is just plain cute, expressive and comes up with the funniest sayings. She is wise beyond her years and knows it. Oh the bliss of being the baby of the family for now! She is very much looking forward to being a big sister and is already telling me how she will share. She is also a prayer warrior.
Paul and I are doing great. He is such a steadying force in my life. I am very much an extrovert and bring spontaneity to our marriage, but he brings calm. Thank you Lord for an awesome husband on this journey called life
Peace that passes ALL understanding!
Sorry this blog is so adoption focused! I do have 8 other children! Zac is doing great at Central Michigan University. He is on a full ride scholarship with ROTC, connected to a great church and doing well academically.
Em is continuing to seek God for her future. She desires to Calvin College here in Michigan and get a degree in International Development. The school's fee per year are ONLY $30,000! So God will provide a way for her to go and direct her steps. What a cool time to press into God and listen for His still small voice.
Sam continues to be the upcoming leader of the 6 younger children. He definitely is learning about household management when we have meetings, shopping to do, etc. He is learning to control his emotions in trying times. Oh the joys of being a hormonal 14 year old!
Malachi is quite the writer and is hilarious! He continues to astound us with his creativity. We have recently changed roommates. Malachi is now with Gabe and Jo is with Sam. Seems to be working out great
Speaking of Gabe. What a cool kid he is! He wants to be a soldier some day and will do a great job! He is a warrior and is continuing to learn to channel his zeal for the things of the Lord!
Hosanna, is what can I say? Sweet! She is our main laundry girl and does a great job. She is definitely going to be my right hand woman when our children come home. She, like the rest of the children, have a real heart for children. Praise God! This whole adoption adventure is a
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Shaohannah's Hope
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Waiting and trusting in Him
All is well here on the farm. We have 5 acres, it so peaceful and tranquil here. Great place for the children to run around and have good old fashion fun--like hide and seek, tag, frisbee golf, soccer, running, biking and fresh air!
Please continue to pray for our adoption. We continue to look to Him for the perfect children for our family--only He knows what would be the right match, personality blend, etc. Many people have said to me, "God's got his finger on your children." How comforting that is. So many times when I see others getting referrals, honestly, I do rejoice with them--it is a choice you make--to feel sorry for yourself or "weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice".
Hope all is well with your families.
God bless
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Current Magazine Fundraiser
We are doing a fundraiser for our adoption through Current Magazine. They have some really cool gifts for friends and family and we get 50% of the profits. Please forward this information to all you know! Thank you
To order online here's what you do:
1. Log on to the internet at and click on "Start Shopping Now".
2. Choose from a large selection of quality Current products. Click on the product you are interested in and place in your cart. Look for special Fundraiser Internet offers.
3. When you check out, please enter:
State: Michigan
Organization: Nelson Adoption
4. Submit your secure order to purchase top quality Current products while helping us bring our children home.
5. Your products will be shipped directly to you.
God bless you and yours!
Denise and all
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
We are still waiting on a referral and sometimes it feels like it will never happen. I have a very contented feeling and know I will be thrilled when Donna or Rachel call with our referral.
Our first born son, Zac, headed off to Central Michigan University on Wednesday, August 22, 2007. He is a sophomore, enrolled with the Army ROTC program. He passed his fitness test on Thursday morning--doing 68 sit ups, 56 push ups and running 2 miles in 14:40! He then commissioned with the Army on Friday. We are every proud of him and look forward to what the Lord will have for his future.
Zac called this morning and said that he has PT 5x a week! They do over 200 pushups and situps per morning, surprise exercises and running too! He will be one fit college student. Pray for him to be saturated with the spirit of Christ. One of his roommates just announced he will be having his girlfriend spending some nights in one of the bedrooms. Zac's roommate is a band leader and is the most normal of his 3 roommates. Zac will face many temptations throughout his college experience. We will continue to pray for him, CMU, ROTC, his roommates and for him to stand firm in his faith.
It is great to be back home.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Great News from AOH
As for the Nelson family, we have been called to Liberia to adopt our children and will hold on for the duration until our children are home. Of course, we don't know when that will be, but continue to trust God for His perfect timing and choice of children for our family. Thank you for your continued prayers for our family.
So here's the note from Patty:
I know you all have been anxiously awaiting news about my meeting
with the Embassy today. I am happy to report that our discussions
were positive and the Consulate took several suggestions I made
about making the process perhaps a little less stressful. She
acknowledged the unfortunate families who have been caught in this
new transition and express that she hoped not too many more families
would be in this position.
One of the concerns shared was the increase in adoptions and why
that was happening. My explanation was simply...... ...20 years ago
before the war Liberia was a peaceful and relatively prosperous
nation and with the African culture that supports extended families
caring for each other, adoption was a rare occurrence. Then with
the many years of war the nation was left with thousands of
orphans. NGO's and Organization like our saw the need to respond.
Now while the orphans may be for the most part semi orphaned or
children with single mothers, the need for these children to find
loving forever families is just as great. The war left poverty at
such a all time high, that extended families in many cases are no
longer able to care for the vulnerable children. I had the
opportunity to share what Acres of Hope was all about and the many
programs we have that are serving the children of Liberia. That we
are committed to serving all the children of Liberia. In the big
scene of things only a few will be lucky enough to find the loving
arms of adoptive parents, but because of those few......... .
thousands of others will be served in Liberia. They were impressed
with the humanitarian outreach Acres of Hope and that was a real
plus. The Consulate was quite socked to see the 22 page album that
we put together just showing our special needs miracles. She
assured me she would consider the needs of some of the most fragile
children and applauded Acres of Hope in meeting the needs of this
special group of children.
After discussions of the latest venture my staff had to make
driving 200 miles on terrible roads with life-threatening
conditions, crossing bridges washed out by the rains and needing to
be re-built, I informed the Consulate I would not ever put my staff
in that position again and that her request certainly appeared as if
she was trying to put blockades in the process. Again she assured me
her intentions were not to stop adoptions. At that point I
suggested we pre-approve the children for visa at the beginning of
the adoption process at the time the parent signs the
relinquishment. That way the investigation should not be so
involved as the part of verifying the orphan status would already be
complete. She agreed to this.
So what does this all mean?
There will be a new order to adoptions that would include a pre-
approve of the orphan for adoption by the Embassy much like the I
600A is for the adoptive parent.
This should illuminate the fear that at the end something could go
Time wise........ .well that is still yet to be known, but I truely
believe that this will improve what has already been in place and
probably cut the process down in the end.
We also discussed that it was necessary to allow processing to be 2
days per week with Thursdays being the day to drop off papers and
schedule appointment.
The result will be much more order, still the same amount of time,
but with some strict guidelines.
In conclusion, our new Consulate is very willing to work with us to
improve the system. She encouraged me to meet with the Ministry of
Health and Social Welfare to discuss all these issues and concerns I
have in educating others in the country on adoption including NGO
not in favor of adoption.
I gave her a stack of information on articles you all were so good
to research and I know she will have lots of reading materials and
hopefully learn alot.
All in all it was a positive and productive meeting and I went away
with good feeling realizing that changes are always hard and take
time to get use to, but in this case I am convinced it is for the
Too many agencies have done short cuts or been dishonest and this is
what has caused the issues we are dealing with now.
Acres of Hope is committed to setting the standards for how
adoptions should be and with all of your help I believe the Lord
will bless our efforts.
Thanks you all for your many prayers and patience through this
growing experience. I want all of you to know I personally along
with our wonderful staff are here to do everything in our power to
remain a voice for the children and support to you as adoptive
ALL!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
*Note: I will give each of your children a big hug and kiss !
Patty Anglin, Executive Director
Acres of Hope
Friday, August 10, 2007
visa update
Here's the latest: Alma, the visa consular, is now requiring birth parents who have already relinquished their parental rights, to come in and meet with her. First of all it will be very "interesting" trying to find some of these parents. Many don't want to be found again. Can you imagine giving up your child and then a year later being told to come to Monrovia to meet with this US embassy worker, possibly your child and the adoptive parents to finalize the adoption of the children you relinquished?
This will slow down adoption very much. If the birth parent(s) can't be found--no visa will be issued and the child will be raised in the orphanage. It is back to square one for the birth parents if the children are returned to them--they can't provide for their needs and that is the reason they brought them to the orphanage, relinquished rights and wanted them to have a forever families.
What is Liberia going to do with all these children in orphanages? Support them? No! We as adoptive parents do. We will be spending thousands of dollars for adoption costs, orphan fees, adoption fees, airfare, paperwork--you name it! All because we have a heart to be a family to fatherless (abandoned, etc.)
Please be in prayer that God will change the direction adoptions are now going in Liberia. His will be done!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Who is in control here? Us or God? So many times we want to make things happen (like a referral, then of course, finalizations, passports and travel can never come fast enough) but we will so mess things up. God has the right timing, children, personalities for our fam and I am so looking forward to this incredible journey with the Father of the Fatherless!
Thanks for praying!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Huge Prayer Request!
Hi families
I am slowly finding out more and more about the embassy process. I
have to admit; I am not a happy camper about it and it has tried my
patience alot today.
The new consular at the embassy is an African American Women who has
decided it is her mission to Slow Down Adoptions. She said there
have been too many complaints about it so that is her solution to
it. I know that there has been numerous problems with other
agencies. I asked why they didnt reconsider AOH as there has been no
complaints about them and our staff there said that she is lumping
all adoption agencies together. She didnt care.
Charles who handles the visa processing for families said that she
will not just let them come in on a Thursday and process a visa
either. If you dont have an appointment; she wont allow you in the
door even. She will no longer except emails from our agency or
parent agencies, or even the INS of your state about your I-600
approval. She will only accept the cable sent by the National Visa
Center as proof that you have I-600 approval. (this is for traveling
families) She has a 2yr term in this position.
This person is in MUCH need of prayer. She needs her heart softened
dramatically. And she must not be used as a tool to prevent
adoptions of children who are in much need of families. Lift her up
in your prayers. I could use them too. ( I admit I dont have such
kind thoughts about her today)
So AOH will continue to work around this new process as much as
possible. We will keep you informed. Have a good day- Donna

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Back to Normal Life!
It is good to be back home from Newberry. Vacations/getaways are nice, but normal life is nice too. I love that all the kids are great travelers. They all like to read or look at books, so that is a nice quiet activity in the van.
I just had a wonderful breakfast date with my friend Ronda. We have known each other since junior high. She has been married for 4 years now, has a foster baby in her home and has been a great friend to me. We normally get together for each other's birthdays and Christmas. Thanks for the wonderful birthday treat Ronda!
So all in well on the home front. I have the best husband, children in the world and my life is blessed.
Hope you all have a great day! Stay COOL!
Monday, July 30, 2007
To God's Country and Back!
Saturday morning we woke up, had cereal in the motel, went to the beautiful upper Taquamenon Falls and went for a 4 mile hike with the older 5 children. Grandpa and Grandma watched Tali. We then had a picnic lunch and got ready for the Brusseau family reunion. It was a great bunch of people there some families came all the way from Pennsylvania and Florida. Paul did a great job MCing the reunion and Kay did a super job organizing it.
Sunday morning we went to a Lumberjack Breakfast at the old Logging Museum in Newberry and then on to the Bear Ranch. We started to head home, took a dip in Lake Michigan again, bought smoked fish and fudge and got home ~6:30 p.m. So a successful, fun trip and glad to be home again!
Zac and Em stayed home this weekend because of jobs. It is becoming normal to have the older children gone, but it is all part of growing up.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Trust God and Do the Next Thing
No new news on referrals. The above quote is from Oswald Chambers and so fits my life. We do continue to trust God for our children here in Michigan and those to come from Liberia. The waiting for the children in Liberia is like a full term lady waiting to have her baby born. You look so forward to seeing that little one(s) and feel like you can't wait--but wait we do!
Some of the questions that I receive from many people in regards to our adoption are:
When will the children arrive? Answer: God only knows
How old are the children? answer: At first we were desiring twin baby girls under age 2, now we will pray for His guidance on the ages of the children. Some people say stick with your original desire of twin girls, others say be open to what God has for your family.
Why is it so expensive to adopt? answer: There are alot of expenses that Acres of Hope have: medical clinics, a staff of 45, feeding programs, schools, care for lots of children, medicines, diapers (you name it for needs for the children), medical care for the children at the orphanage, trips to the embassy in Liberia, paperwork for families and children, etc.
How long does it take to get a child from Liberia? Usually ~12 months. If you compare this to China, it takes 18-24 months, 2 trips overseas and about $30,000 per child, same for Guatamala and Russia. So Liberia is pretty quick and affordable when it comes to adoption. It is still a new program but many have had great adoption experiences.
Why not adopt domestically? There are alot of children who need families here in America. We personally have been called to adopt from Liberia. Liberia has no built in government system (like foster care, family services, insurance) like we have here in America. The cost to adopt domestically is ~$15,000 + per child (this normally includes legal fees, birth mom's expenses, finalization of adoption). If you are interested in adopting domestically, obey God and do it.
How's the adoption going? We are already to receive referrals for the children. We have done all the paperwork, applied to all the right people, so we are just waiting for the right children to come into the orphanage and for Donna to call!
Please pray for God's timing on when we will hear who the right children are for our fam! Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Adoption journey
We never felt led to adoption. Just thinking we would trust God for our family size with our biological children. Well, the biological children didn't continue to come (to term at least). Talitha Hope was born March, 2003 and lo and behold we get pregnant in October, 2005! We were soooooooo excited! Then on December 23, we were wrapping last minute gifts, getting ready to shop for stocking stuff and I started spotting--this had NEVER happened with the other pregnancies. We went in for an ultrasound and our baby was dying. What a sad horrible experience. But we were so happy to get to see our little one.
We then were blessed with another pregnancy in March, 2006 and really believed all would be fine with this one--maybe even be blessed with twins. So all went well until June 17, 2006. We were returning from the west side of the state and started spotting again. Went in for an ultrasound and discovered a blighted ovum. Pregnancy but no baby to be seen.
We grieved for the loss of our babies, had great support from family and friends and moved on with life and the 8 living children I had with me.
In the winter of 2006, God started stirring my heart in regards to adoption. I mentioned it to Paul, we sat on it until February 13, 2007. We were watching the movie, "Facing the Giants", a super movie about God being God of the impossibilities. The next morning Paul woke up and said, "Start checking up on home studies." God will provide for all of our needs according to His riches in glory. We trust Him for the right children to be brought into our family, the finances to come in.
So here is a rough timeline:
February 14 The beginning of our adoption journey
February events: passport update, check out home study providers, chose Swartz Adoption Attorneys
March: physicals for all the family! Home study begins with Miss Pat, Health department immunizations for Liberia
April: completed home study, huge successful garage sale, applied for Orphan petition, got dossier together, fingerprinted
May:Premier jewelry party with all proceeds going toward adoption
June: I-600A approved, apply to Acres of Hope, sent in dossier--ALL OUR PAPERWORK DONE for now!
So that is where we are for now! We can do nothing else but pray and wait for a referral. Donna Barber is our contact at Acres of Hope, who will be contacting us when the right children become available. Please pray for her and us during this time.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me ANYTHING!
After we receive the referrals, we will then wait for passports for the children, finalization of adoption in Liberia and then receive travel dates. Many people want to know when our children are coming home. Of course we don't even know who they are yet and so my quick answer is "God ONLY knows!" So true, eh? Just like trusting Him for our family size, we continue to trust Him to expand our family through our adoption.
Financial information: To adopt 2 children from Liberia, including all the paperwork, plane tickets, EVERYTHING will be ~ $30,000. We have raised over $7000 with the garage sales, jewelry party and donations from friends and family.
Denise and fam
Yes, yes we have entered into the blogging world!
We are the Nelsons: Paul, Denise, Zac, 18; Em, 17; Sam, 13; Malachi, 12; Gabe, 10; Hosanna, 9; Josiah, 6; and Talitha Hope, 4. We are in the process of adopting from Acres of Hope Liberia. Our heart's desire has always been to have 10 children and we thought wrapping up with twin baby girls would be great!
Here's where we are at: Waiting for referrals. We have had the homestudy done, the I-600A is in and so is the dossier. So we continue to wait for the right children to be added to our family. We appreciate your prayers and I will add more information as we have it!
Denise and all